Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 Monthly Goals

OK, so I made a lot of New Year's resolutions this year.  But I honestly don't think any of them are unrealistic.  Many I've broken down into monthly goals to help keep me on track.  For instance, my two "big goals" are to memorize 20 Scripture passages and read 11 books in 2011.  I'd also like to have at least two dinner guests a month (good friends don't count - you know who you are!).

I created this simple list that folds easily into a little booklet.  At the beginning of each month, I'll fill out my goals for that month and set to "work."  Feel free to adapt and use the list.  Let's see how we do!

2011 Monthly Goals

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying catching up on your blog : ) And this is a great little book!! I will use it!

