Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mind Your Manners

We've been teaching Noah to say "please" and "thank you" for some time now.  While he knows that's what's expected and kind, he rarely says either without prompting.

Here's a rather humorous encounter from the other day, in my husband's words.  Obviously, we still have some work to do.  :)

Daddy kindly gives Noah an animal cracker.
Noah takes the cracker with a gleeful "Oooh!" and stuffs it in his mouth.
Daddy then asks Noah the all-familiar: "And what do you say to Daddy?"
*There is no answer at first as Noah is happily crunching his cracker.
Daddy waits, and then asks his son again, "What do you say?"
Noah gives a puzzled look in reply and then swallows.
Daddy cups his ear so his son knows he's waiting to hear from him and repeats the question a final time:
"What ... do you say ... to Daddy?"
Noah puts his hand over his ear (like a phone) and says, "Hello, Daddy!"

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